Creating A Company Culture That Matters!

My company’s leadership used to focus mostly on vision, position, product and service while assuming our culture was organic to our company and the employees. It wasn’t. Whereas our company ran, communicated and created on point, our culture was random. Last year we decided to work with our team leaders, employees and interns and define a culture that would support the company and define both the experience of working as well as the aspects of the people we would hire and contract.

Together we created the four pillars of the Cinequest culture and the effects were startling. First, within a month of defining the culture, several people who had just signed longterm contracts unexpectedly left the organization. The culture as defined was not for them. Then energy shifted and we started to see both new talent as well as seasoned team members integrate with the cultural pillars. Leaders and employees consistently reinforced the culture both in regular meetings as well as in interviews with prospective employees and interns. The end result has been exceptional: our team has strongly improved as has the day to day vibe of working together. Now the company DNA includes culture along with vision, position, product and service.

The four pillars of the Cinequest culture are, as defined by our team:

  • World Class Excellence: creating work at the highest level of quality and impact.
  • High Energy: drive, enthusiasm, passion.
  • Love: love of the people we serve, each other and of Cinequest.
  • Integrity.

What are some of your favorite cultural ‘pillars’ you have or would like to see in your organization?


Halfdan Hussey
Co-Founder & Director at Cinequest